After we left the school, the plan was to head out into some villages to do ministry. Murph works with an organization called CHE (Community Health Evangilism) as part of what he does in Haiti. This program is designed to offer tools and trainings for individuals to be more self-sufficient. The cool part about CHE is it offers trainings to the residents of a community to then be able to go out and teach others. This takes the American's out of the picture and creates the opportunity for Haitians to rely on themselves and each other. CHE is all over the world but in Haiti they have started successful businesses, improved sanitation, and have provided scripture and education.
The village that we went into today is a brand new CHE village. So we drive up and park outside of the school. We split into small teams; a few Americans, 1 community member, and a translator and headed out to see who we could find to talk to. The group James and I were with stopped at 3 homes. To be completely honest, the conversations we had left me feeling defeated.

My initial thoughts are why? Why does this have to be so hard? Why do these people have to live this way? Why isn't more being done? Why were we sent here and what can we do?
What struck me about today was the sense of hopelessness. This was the first time I got to really speak to adults in Haiti. The reality of life and the harshness of it hit us all like a ton of bricks today. Emotionally, were defeated. We're beat. I can only pray that we were able to offer some hope and support to our friends in that village.
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