Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sonrisas Siempre

Sonrisas Siempre is the dental team that we come down with every year.   This was founded my Dr Steve Ellinwood and Dr Tom Blake.  They both have a servants heart and are amazing leaders of this group.  

It is rare to get to see people in their best form...however, when you come on these types of trips that shines through brightly. 

If you don't know the story already...James traveled with Sonrisas four years ago because he wanted an "experience." can see where that took us! 
His first year here sparked an idea that lead to the development of The Read a Book program.  Steve and Tom (we're non-dental people so first name basis is acceptable!) have been nothing but supportive in helping us achieve the goals we had set and have never thought anything too difficult.  

Thank you is not enough....

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