After the drop, we were able to spend the afternoon with the boys at the orphanage. We all fell into the usual routine of soccer, basketball, foosball, and ping pong. The kids were All better than me.
Most of the boys remembered us and what we were there to do, which to be honest I wasn't sure if that would happen.
Today was a "my cup is full" type of day. We all enjoyed ourselves and are continuing to build and grow. Next year we plan to continue at Horizontas and with another location in the works here in Comayagua. We also plan to start a library in Fort Wayne. This will act as a sister location to what is in Honduras.
We also got to celebrate the dental mission at the annual Lions Club party. In total the dentists saw over 200 patients in the clinic and did 738 fillings and 734 extractions. We have all worked hard this week! We also were able to focus a bit on patient education and how and why to brush your teeth along with basic nutrition. This is a major part to proper hygiene and we will continue to grow this and keep helping the people here.
We fly home tomorrow and have to be on the road at 6am. Wish us luck traveling!
We will chat again when we are back in the states and will of course do a picture purge and final catch up.
Todos ustedes son increibles!