McFadden Resource Center
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Haiti-RBBL suitcase
Thanks to the students at Jefferson Middle school we were able to bring down 50 French/English books, school supplies, and comfort items to Haiti. Thank you kids! Your hard work effected so many people!
Here's where they all went:
WCH clinic waiting room
CHE Training
Siblings of our Translators
Haiti- Our new friends
We met so many amazing people this year. Every single villager we talked to and the kids at EBO will remain in my heart and on my mind. I won't soon forget their words, laughs, and smiles. Haitians to me represent true survivors. They show what people can really endure.
The staff at WCH are great. I've never eaten more amazing food and they cooked breakfast and dinner for us each day. You will never go hungry in that house.
Our translators: Ducky, Ande, Tito, Charly, and Johnson are priceless. This group of guys fully understand our mission and are willing to step in at anytime we need them.
Rachel is the american who runs the new clinic. She is new to living in Haiti but has the capacity to really change lives. She is carried by her faith but is fearless to get her hands dirty and step up for what she needs. No doubt she will be successful.
Reginold is the 3 year old son of our security guard. He is the friendliest kid you will meet and amazingly cute! He's wearing the shades in the pic below.
Haiti-The Team
Sunday, November 1, 2015
We get to EBO and James and Murph start talking to the Mama's to explain what we had planned for today. This little intro turned into a 2 hour discussion in a hot little room where we learned that our leadership team was the bulk of the problem at this orphanage. They basically are not being good role models for all the younger children and the Mama's feel that if they would change their behavior then the younger children would follow suit.
Imagine our defeat..... great, so the kids we were going to train and empower to lead this place are the problem! What! of course.... nothing can ever be easy. So we threw our plan out the window (well, just left it on the bus) and had to start over right then and there.

Ok back to the leadership training...